Smart WiFi slēdzis, SS1N, 1 ports, 1800W

Smart Light Control
Remote control. Intuitive. Easy to use.
Key Features
  • Works with or without Neutral wire
  • Integrated functions, fully customizable, touch screen
  • Easy to install and use with TELLUR SMART APP.
  • Full control via internet from everywhere
  • No master HUB or subscription required
Tellur Viedās mājas klāsts ir izstrādāts labākai, gudrākai dzīvošanai

Ar WiFi viedo slēdzi jūs varat kontrolēt apgaismojumu savā mājā no jebkuras vietas, izmantojot internetu, tāpēc jums nebūs jāuztraucas par to, ka aizmirsīsit izslēgt apgaismojumu. Garas darba dienas? Vai nevēlaties atstāt savu mājdzīvnieku klejot tumsā? Dodieties uz lietotni - ieslēdziet apgaismojumu. Viedo slēdzi var uzstādīt lielākajā daļā savienojumu ar neitrālu vadu vai bez tā. Iekļauti dažādi aksesuāri vieglākai un drošākai uzstādīšanai. Turklāt WiFi Smart slēdzis ir saderīgs, un to var vadīt ar balsi, izmantojot Amazon Alexa un Google Assistant.

Price (VAT included)

€28,81 EUR €38,62
SKU: TLL331481
Barcode: 5949120004565
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We offer B2B services with a dedicated account manager and personalized support. Once we receive your request, we’ll set up your business account and assist you with your orders.

Technical Specifications

Voltage:AC 100-240V
Max power:LED: Max 150W/port, Incandescent: Max 600W/port
Standby power consumption:≤0.3W
Panel material:Tempered glass
Connection method:With or without Neutral wire
Wireless frequency:2.4GHz
WiFi standard:IEEE 802.11b/g/n
Encryption type:WEP/TKIP/AES
APP Compatibility:Devices with Android 4.2 / iOS 8 or more recently
Google Home:Compatible
Amazon Alexa:Compatible
Siri Shortcuts:Compatible
Suitable for:Indoor use
Working condition temperature:-20°C ~ 40°C
Working condition humidity:≤80%
Package include:Wifi Smart Switch 1 port
Product dimensions:86mm*86mm*36mm EU standard

Smart Light

Control Remote control Intuitive Easy to use Works with or without Neutral wire

Siri Compatible

The Wi-Fi Smart Switch is compatible and can be controlled by voice command using Siri

Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant

The Wi-Fi Smart Switch is compatible and can be controlled by voice command using Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant

Easy to install and use

With TELLUR SMART APP „Smart Touch”


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Smart Home App
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