Viedais WiFi ūdens vārsts

Smart Water Control
Programmable. IP67. Smart Control. Smart Water Valve.
Key Features
  • Integrated functions, fully customizable, smart scenarios
  • Protection against power failures
  • Work with Amazon Alexa, Google Home, Siri Shortcuts
  • Perfectly integrated into the Tellur Smart ecosystem
  • Easy to install and use with Tellur Smart App. No master HUB or subscription required
Vai esat darbā, atvaļinājumā vai vienkārši jums nav laika laistīt ziedus vai dārzu? Neuztraucieties, viedais ūdens vārsts to var izdarīt jūsu vietā ar vienu klikšķi no lietotnes Tellur Smart App

Viedais ūdens vārsts lieliski integrējas Tellur viedajā ekosistēmā. kopā ar citiem Smart produktiem varat izveidot vairākas automatizācijas un scenārijus. Apvienojumā ar viedo plūdu sensoru jūs varat ieprogrammēt vārstu aizvērties ūdens noplūdes noteikšanas gadījumā. Tāpat, atkarībā no laikapstākļiem, ūdens vārstu var ieprogrammēt tā, lai tas atvērtu, aizvērtu vai regulētu ūdens plūsmu, kad tas ir pievienots dārza laistīšanas sistēmai. Savietojams ar Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant un Siri saīsnēm.

Price (VAT included)

€127,09 EUR €152,51
SKU: TLL331501
Barcode: 5949120004633
For Business Purchases

If you want to buy products for your company, please do not place the order online.

Contact us at with your company details and the products you need.

We offer B2B services with a dedicated account manager and personalized support. Once we receive your request, we’ll set up your business account and assist you with your orders.

Technical Specifications

Input power:USB DC 5V/2A (AC adapter not included)
Cable length:1.5 meter USB to 2pin waterproof socket connector
Pipe connector material:SS304 (Stainless Steel 304)
Valve size:DN20 (3/4) BSP thread
Max pressure:1.0 Mpa (10 Bar)
Waterproof rating:IP67
Manual operation:Fully open / fully closed by manual switch
Features:APP Remote operation, Flow size control, Schedule and Countdown, Fully integrated in Tellur Smart ecosystem
Power failure protection:Automatically close if unexpected power cutt off
Wireless frequency:2.4GHz
WiFi standard:IEEE 802.11b/g/n (WiFi-6 not supported)
Encryption type:WEP/TKIP/AES
APP Name:Tellur Smart
APP Compatibility:Devices with Android 4.2 / iOS 8 or more recently
Google Home:Compatible
Amazon Alexa:Compatible
Siri Shortcuts:Compatible
Suitable for:Indoor use
Working condition temperature:-30°C ~ 60°C
Package include:Smart WiFi Water Valve /USB Power cable/ User manual
Product dimensions:71 x 88 x 131mm
Product weight:730g

Tellur Smart Wi-Fi water valve, DN20, IP67, 10 bar, DC 5V

Smart Water Control

Programmable IP67 Smart Water Valve

Integrated functions, fully customizable, smart scenarios

Protection against power failures Easy to install and use with Tellur Smart App. Perfectly integrated into the Tellur Smart ecosystem


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