Pametni WiFi senzor prisotnosti

Sense of presence
Small size. Push notifications. Easy to install.
Key Features
  • Movement & Presence detection
  • Low-High detection sensitivity
  • 120° Detection angle
  • Adjustable detection distance
  • Google Home & Amazon Alexa compatible

S pametnim senzorjem prisotnosti Tellur spremenite svoj prostor v pametnejše in bolj odzivno okolje.

Izboljšajte varnost, prihranite energijo ter poenostavite rutine in avtomatizacijo. S širokim območjem zaznavanja 120° naš senzor zagotavlja najboljšo pokritost in zagotavlja, da nobeno gibanje ali prisotnost ne ostane neopažena. Prilagodite občutljivost svojega senzorja svojim specifičnim potrebam, od nastavitev nizke do visoke občutljivosti. Natančno prilagodite raven zaznavanja za optimalno delovanje v katerem koli scenariju. Uživajte v prilagodljivosti z nastavljivo razdaljo zaznavanja, ki vam omogoča natančen nadzor, kdaj in kako se vaš senzor aktivira. Senzor je združljiv z Google Home in Amazon Alexa ter se brezhibno integrira v vaš obstoječi ekosistem pametnega doma. Upravljajte svoje naprave in prilagodite rutine s preprostimi glasovnimi ukazi za neprimerljivo udobje. Samodejno prilagodite osvetlitev, ogrevanje in drugo na podlagi gibanja in prisotnosti za energijsko učinkovito udobje. Prejmite sprotne posodobitve pametnega telefona za gibanje ali nepričakovano prisotnost, tako da boste obveščeni in pod nadzorom.

Price (VAT included)

€34,17 EUR €41,00
SKU: TLL331552
Barcode: 5949120005159
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Technical Specifications

Power supply:USB-C port 5V 1A
Sensor type:24GHz Microwave Radar
Transmission Power:≤16dBm
Detection distance:1.5 - 6 meters adjustable
Area of detection:120°
History record:Yes
Presence notification:Yes
Delay presence status:3s - 29:59min adjustable
Smart App name:Tellur Smart
Compatibility:Devices with Android 4.1 / iOS 8 or higher
Google Home:Compatible
Amazon Alexa:Compatible
Power consumption:Max 1W
WiFi standard:IEEE 802.11b/g/n
Supported WiFi network:2.4GHz
Working condition temperature:-10°C - 50°C
Working condition humidity:Max 95% RH
Product dimensions:60 x 60 x 15mm
Product weight:30g
Package includes:1 x Smart WiFi Presence Sensor, 1 x USB-C to USB A cable, 1 meter, 1 x User manual
Package dimensions:71 x 71 x 34mm
Package weight:98g

Sense of presence

Small size. Push notifications. Easy to install.

Key features
Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 6 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 1.

Zaznavanje gibanja in prisotnosti

With a wide 120° detection area, our sensor provides best coverage, ensuring that no movement or presence goes unnoticed.

Key features
Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 6 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 2.

Združljiva Google Home & Amazon Alexa

The sensor is compatible with Google Home and Amazon Alexa, so it integrates seamlessly into your existing smart home ecosystem. Control your devices and customise routines with simple voice commands for unparalleled convenience.

Key features
Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 6 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 3.

Poenostavite svoje življenje: nastavite pametne rutine za svoj sodobni življenjski slog

An automation scenario enables your Wi-Fi Smart Device to execute a command automatically, based on specific conditions.

Automatically adjust lighting, heating, and more based on movement and presence for energy-efficient comfort.

Key features
Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 6 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 4.

Občutljivost za odkrivanje z nizko visoko. Nastavljiva razdalja zaznavanja

Tailor the sensitivity of your sensor to your specific needs, from low to high sensitivity settings.

Fine-tune the detection level for optimal performance in any scenario.

Enjoy flexibility with adjustable detection distance, allowing you to precisely control when and how your sensor activates.

Key features
Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 6 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 5.

120 ° Zaznavni kot

With a wide 120° detection area, our sensor provides best coverage, ensuring that no movement or presence goes unnoticed.

Key features
Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 6 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 6.

Enostaven za namestitev in uporabo

Independent use via the Internet, only with a smartphone.

No hub required. Supports up to 150 registered devices.

Works only with 2.4GHz wireless networks

Key features
Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 6 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 1.

Zaznavanje gibanja in prisotnosti

With a wide 120° detection area, our sensor provides best coverage, ensuring that no movement or presence goes unnoticed.

Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 6 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 2.

Združljiva Google Home & Amazon Alexa

The sensor is compatible with Google Home and Amazon Alexa, so it integrates seamlessly into your existing smart home ecosystem. Control your devices and customise routines with simple voice commands for unparalleled convenience.

Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 6 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 3.

Poenostavite svoje življenje: nastavite pametne rutine za svoj sodobni življenjski slog

An automation scenario enables your Wi-Fi Smart Device to execute a command automatically, based on specific conditions.

Automatically adjust lighting, heating, and more based on movement and presence for energy-efficient comfort.

Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 6 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 4.

Občutljivost za odkrivanje z nizko visoko. Nastavljiva razdalja zaznavanja

Tailor the sensitivity of your sensor to your specific needs, from low to high sensitivity settings.

Fine-tune the detection level for optimal performance in any scenario.

Enjoy flexibility with adjustable detection distance, allowing you to precisely control when and how your sensor activates.

Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 6 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 5.

120 ° Zaznavni kot

With a wide 120° detection area, our sensor provides best coverage, ensuring that no movement or presence goes unnoticed.

Rating of 1 means .
Rating of 6 means .
The rating of this product for "" is 6.

Enostaven za namestitev in uporabo

Independent use via the Internet, only with a smartphone.

No hub required. Supports up to 150 registered devices.

Works only with 2.4GHz wireless networks


How To
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