Valvă inteligentă WiFi pentru apă
Robinetele inteligente se integrează perfect în ecosistemul Tellur Smart, astfel încât puteți crea multiple automatizări și scenarii împreună cu alte produse Smart. Combinat cu un senzor inteligent de inundație, puteți programa robinetul să se închidă în caz de detectare a scurgerii de apă. De asemenea, în funcție de vreme, robinetul de apă poate fi programat să se deschidă, să se închidă sau să ajusteze debitul de apă atunci când este conectat la sistemul de irigații al grădinii. Compatibil cu Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant și Siri Shortcuts.
If you want to buy products for your company, please do not place the order online.
Contact us at with your company details and the products you need.
We offer B2B services with a dedicated account manager and personalized support. Once we receive your request, we’ll set up your business account and assist you with your orders.
How To...
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At Tellur, we're committed to providing you with the information you need in a swift and efficient manner. For comprehensive guides and detailed support, simply click here to visit our 'How To' section.
TELLUR Smart App
Need Help with the TELLUR Smart App?
Whether you're looking to install the app or need assistance in using it, we've got you covered. Our dedicated support section provides step-by-step guides and helpful tips to ensure you get the best out of your TELLUR Smart App. For all your app-related queries and support, simply click here and let us guide you through every step.
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Whether you need detailed instructions, technical specifications, or troubleshooting tips, find everything in one convenient place. To access our comprehensive collection of product manuals, click here. Get the information you need, right when you need it.